FamousWhy.ro Forum: Anca_stelista4ever - Viewing Profile

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Anca_stelista4ever's Profile User Rating: *****

Reputation: -7 Neutral
Active Posts:
4,501(0.76 per day)
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Jocuri (2258 posts)
29-June 08
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User is offline Jan 23 2010 05:01 PM

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About Me

Non esistono parole precise per descrivere la sensazione che si prova nel tifare JUVENTUS...Gioie ed emozioni, un' esultanza infinita....spesso siamo caduti, ma ogni volta ci alziamo piu' forti di prima. La JUVENTUS e' una delle poche ragioni per cui vale vivere.

My Information

Member Title:
30 years old
July 29, 1994
Moinesti, jd. Bacau
fotbal, muzica, limbi straine, net etc.

Contact Information

Click here to e-mail me
Website URL:
Website URL  http://


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  1. Photo

    rushy Icon

    26 Oct 2008 - 13:55
    si eu buah :X
  2. Photo

    rushy Icon

    26 Oct 2008 - 12:21
    5 buah :X
  3. Photo

    Dani Quinn Icon

    25 Oct 2008 - 20:39
    5 * inapoi :)
  4. Photo

    waltzu' Icon

    25 Oct 2008 - 03:55
    iti dau 5 stelute care sa-ti aduca 5 pupicuri dulci si inca 5 bucurii , strengaritza mea iubita :)
  5. Photo

    flaky Icon

    18 Oct 2008 - 10:16
    Hey... cum de am uitat eu sa iti dau tie stelulte?:-?, hmm....now 5 stars 4 JuveGirl :)>:d<
  6. Photo

    MyKe Icon

    17 Oct 2008 - 17:17
    5 * şi ţie! :D
  7. Photo

    rushy Icon

    17 Oct 2008 - 15:26
    5 steluteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee si un pup mare :X
  8. Photo

    waltzu' Icon

    16 Oct 2008 - 16:04
    5 stelute ca mi-ai zambit azi:)
  9. Photo

    rushy Icon

    16 Oct 2008 - 15:54
    nu mi`a trecut :X
    sunt aici, langa tine buah >:D<
    nu mai fi supariciu :*
    miss u too :X
  10. Photo

    MaD.KiddoH Icon

    12 Oct 2008 - 19:50
    well....madu or mady..sper sa fiu kt mai des pe aici....
  11. Photo

    flaky Icon

    11 Oct 2008 - 15:23
    Hey....Ancutzaaaa >:d<... imi era dr de tine :*, pur si simplu nu am timp am o gramada de teme si de invatat....and 5 stars :+>:d<:)
  12. Photo

    rushy Icon

    11 Oct 2008 - 11:37
    amore mio :X :))
    buahhhhhhhhhh danseaza cu mine \:D/ :X viata e frumoasaaaaaaaaa :P
    5 STARS :>
  13. Photo

    rushy Icon

    05 Oct 2008 - 11:34
    de ce ai doar 4 stelute? cine te uraste :( ?
    eu ti`am dat 5 stelute :X
  14. Photo

    rushy Icon

    04 Oct 2008 - 13:36
    am net acum :D
    si vb diseara :X pup
    miss u too
  15. Photo

    flaky Icon

    29 Sep 2008 - 20:37
    5 stars... poate asa o sa te simti mai bine :x:x:*>:d<
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