FamousWhy.ro Forum: Darby - Viewing Profile

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Darby's Profile User Rating: *****

Reputation: -7 Neutral
Active Posts:
1,315(0.21 per day)
Most Active In:
Forumiştii vă răspund .... (646 posts)
25-October 07
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User is offline Aug 20 2010 12:35 AM

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My Information

Member Title:
dissolved girl
33 years old
February 6, 1991

Contact Information

Website URL:
Website URL  http://luckydreamers.wordpress.com



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  1. Photo

    waltzu' Icon

    18 Apr 2009 - 18:42
    vin degraba cu oua rooz si cu pupici de ciocolata sa urez la faina fata, faine sarbatori curate :*
  2. Photo

    Bosumflici Icon

    06 Feb 2009 - 17:13
    La Multi Ani !
  3. Photo

    Thrill Icon

    06 Feb 2009 - 14:39
    la multi ani majoro! :D multa fericire si de acum incolo, ai grija ce faci, sa nu intri la zdup :P :D :air_kiss:
  4. Photo

    pinturicchio Icon

    06 Feb 2009 - 14:24
    la multi ani don'soara ..esti majora acum, ai grija ce faci :P :D
  5. Photo

    flaky Icon

    06 Feb 2009 - 14:06
    La Multi Ani!!!
  6. Photo

    Adi Barb Icon

    06 Feb 2009 - 08:39
    La Multi ani!
  7. Photo

    Harken Icon

    06 Feb 2009 - 01:05
    La multi ani bah :* Lav iu veri muci :*
  8. Photo

    Thrill Icon

    03 Jan 2009 - 09:58
    ce harnica ai fost ieri :D
  9. Photo

    pinturicchio Icon

    09 Nov 2008 - 19:21
    cam tarziu, cam tarziu :P dar mai bine mai tarziu decat niciodata :P
  10. Photo

    pinturicchio Icon

    28 Oct 2008 - 16:58
    oare cum de nu m-am perindat eu mai des pe la profilul tai pana acum ? :-? uite 5 stelute si de la microbist :P
  11. Photo

    Anca_stelista4ever Icon

    28 Oct 2008 - 16:14
    alte 5 * pentru Darby >:D< :)
  12. Photo

    flaky Icon

    23 Sep 2008 - 08:34
    5 stars din partea mea :d
  13. Photo

    waltzu' Icon

    07 Aug 2008 - 22:59
    am sa te provoc cat de curand la o batalie d'ale imaginatiilor :D
    asteapta si-o sa vezi :p
  14. Photo

    Anca_stelista4ever Icon

    07 Aug 2008 - 13:00
    5 stelutze ;;)
  15. Photo

    waltzu' Icon

    04 Aug 2008 - 20:30
    la imaginatia mea :D..era v de o femeie f grasa ce ia la bataie un barbatel slabut :P
    uituco :P
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