FamousWhy.ro Forum: sEtH - Viewing Profile

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sEtH's Profile User Rating: *****

Reputation: -2 Neutral
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1,357(0.22 per day)
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Forumiştii vă răspund .... (677 posts)
03-September 07
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User is offline Mar 15 2010 09:58 AM

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Idolul Meu:
Will Smith

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Icon   sEtH Happy to be here!

About Me

Intellectuals solve problems, geniuses prevent them.

My Information

Member Title:
39 years old
August 31, 1985
Craiova, Romania
Games-urile!!! :D

Contact Information

Website URL:
Website URL  http://famouswhy.com/
Yahoo  sethyxu


sEtH hasn't added any friends yet.


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  1. Photo

    Angel Icon

    16 Jan 2008 - 14:53
    dragu' de tine :)) 5* :*
  2. Photo

    InnerFire Icon

    16 Jan 2008 - 11:08
    ms...dar cum ai ajuns la concluzia asta?
    5 back...
  3. Photo

    Thrill Icon

    16 Jan 2008 - 08:38
    so...you are also a thrill seeker... :P
    cinci stelute si de la mine, desi nu prea stiu la ce folosesc :think:
  4. Photo

    Harken Icon

    16 Jan 2008 - 01:02
    Haha, multumesc :D 5 * si de la mine.
  5. Photo

    addict Icon

    16 Jan 2008 - 00:37
    Darnic, dar ar fi grozav sa si postezi mai des sa te vedem mai des :D 5 stelute clar
  6. Photo

    zexelica Icon

    05 Nov 2007 - 12:31
    eu ti-am dat 10 stelute!
  7. Photo

    BeRightBack Icon

    29 Oct 2007 - 16:06
    5 stelute si de la mine :*
  8. Photo

    kama Icon

    22 Oct 2007 - 01:54
    5 stelute de la baiatu "fara numar, fara numar"
  9. Photo

    Ydeea Icon

    20 Oct 2007 - 19:11
    Multumesc pentru stele, primeste si tu 5 * de la mine!
  10. Photo

    Thrill Icon

    20 Oct 2007 - 18:06
    Ce de stelute ai primit azi! 5 si din partea mea :)
  11. Photo

    Angel Icon

    20 Oct 2007 - 15:29
    kiss kiss :*
  12. Photo

    FragileDreams Icon

    20 Oct 2007 - 13:02
    ms...5 stelute de la mine :-*
  13. Photo

    Jewels Icon

    20 Oct 2007 - 12:40
    5 stelute back ;;) >:D< !
  14. Photo

    andrada Icon

    20 Oct 2007 - 11:55
    Am venit sa-ti aduc 5 stelute si sa-ti urez o zi cat mai senina...
  15. Photo

    Adi Barb Icon

    20 Oct 2007 - 09:10
    5 stele!
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