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All posts by rosedawn

There have been 6 posts by rosedawn

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Hot Topic (New) Icon Cartea Sau Filmul?
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eu cred depinde si de calitatea cartii in cauza. in plus,...

Posted on Dec 01 2008 11:07 PM by rosedawn

Literatură andrada Icon
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New Replies Icon Cele Mai Slabe Carti
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un alt scriitor supraapreciat este, din punctul meu de vedere, Gabriel...

Posted on Dec 01 2008 10:55 PM by rosedawn

Literatură addict Icon
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New Replies Icon Viata De Artist In Romania
merita sa te faci artist intr-o tara ca asta?
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eu cred ca arta ar avea sanse de "supravietuire" si chiar...

Posted on Nov 30 2008 01:34 AM by rosedawn

Artă şi cultură SillyHobbit Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Icon Attachments Cultura Japoneza
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ar fi interesanta o comparatie, un fel de before and after,...

Posted on Nov 30 2008 01:21 AM by rosedawn

Artă şi cultură addict Icon
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New Replies Icon Cultura Romāneasca
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despre ce e vorba mai exact? despre Eminescu ca si om...

Posted on Nov 30 2008 01:13 AM by rosedawn

Artă şi cultură Adi Barb Icon
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New Replies Icon Site-uri Cu Si Despre Arta
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CITAT(SillyHobbit @ Mar 11 2008, 04:11 PM) www.louvre.fr www.wga.hu http://www.art.net/links/artref/artref.html www.ghenador.com www.marilynmanson.com/art www.artcyclopedia.com www.kid-at-art.com...

Posted on Nov 30 2008 01:07 AM by rosedawn

Artă şi cultură SillyHobbit Icon
  • 2 Replies

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