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All posts by m&l

There have been 8 posts by m&l

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voi ce ati ales din multitudinea ofertelor
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Sa va spun si eu ceva in legatura cu asta!! In...

Posted on Oct 18 2007 09:10 AM by m&l

Intrebari sorridere Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Icon Ai Copiat Vreodata?
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Si eu am copiat....nu prea ma laud cu asta, dar recunosc!!...

Posted on Oct 18 2007 08:57 AM by m&l

Viaţa de şcolar Adi Barb Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Icon Ce E Aia "Cultura Generala"?
.. acum pe bune ..
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Consider ca atunci cand se vorbeste despre cultura generala toata lumea...

Posted on Oct 18 2007 08:46 AM by m&l

Viaţa de şcolar daimon Icon
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Studenta ...ultimul an(din pacate) lA sOCIOLOGIE ...e un domeniu ff frumos si interesant!!

Posted on Oct 09 2007 09:05 AM by m&l

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Berbec....si uite cum cresc cornitele incet incet pt toti ceilalti ! in curand o sa deveniti toti berbeci :thumbsup:/>

Posted on Oct 09 2007 09:02 AM by m&l

Să ne prezentăm Angel Icon
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si eu pe aici....ce-i drept nou nouta

Posted on Oct 09 2007 08:59 AM by m&l

Să ne prezentăm Angel Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Icon Attachments Nickul Tau
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Numele meu e Martha Laura si..de aici vine m&l....nu stiam cum...

Posted on Oct 09 2007 08:52 AM by m&l

Coltul Forumistilor Faimosi Jewels Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Icon Fericire
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"Fericirea e-un lucru marunt, e o aripa care vibreaza/ Fericirea e-un lucru mic", foarte mic......ce conteaza !

Posted on Oct 08 2007 09:43 PM by m&l

Părerea ta despre... Adi Barb Icon
  • 21 Replies

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